One of the world's poorest countries, Liberia was still healing after years of brutal civil war when it was hit by the 2014-5 Ebola epidemic.
The country still has some of the world’s worst education indicators, and has the highest proportion of out-of-school elementary-aged children in the world. Alarmingly, according to the United Nations the Liberian government will not be able to offer all children access to basic education until next century.
We believe that every child has a right to learn, which is why we're working in Liberia to give children a chance to go to school.
Street Child started working in Liberia in 2013, helping street children in the capital of Monrovia. When Liberia was hit with the Ebola crisis, we expanded our work to support the thousands of children impacted by Ebola to go to school. We believe in supporting children in every aspect of their school life: school environment, teachers, parents, the wider community and the barriers to education they face.
Street Child is a principal provider and top performer of the Liberian Education Advancement Partnership (LEAP), a flagship public-private partnership run by the Liberian Government’s Ministryof Education, outsourcing the administration and management of public schools to private providers in an ambitious effort to enhance learning gains.
Street Child is now working in four regions in Liberia: Montserrado, Margibi, Cape Mount and Maryland, where our three main areas of focus are education, child protection, and livelihoods.
3,177 households reached with family business for education grants and now have a sustainable livelihood, leading to more food and the ability to afford school.
32,303 children now have improved access to school and / or an improved school to go to.
636 teachers trained and can now access a government salary, making their financial situation much more stable and improving children’s learning.
Street Child has reached more than 36,000 children in Liberia. A focus on teacher training, low-cost classroom resourcing and renovation and school management has been highly effective. The results of a rigorous randomized controlled trial showed that Street Child has achieved advances in access, learning and safeguarding at less than 60% of the cost of comparable providers (Romero et al. 2019).
In the remote South-East region of Maryland, Street Child's ‘Schools for Tomorrow’ model is working to address access and quality barriers to elementary education through community partnership. Since Street Child began in Liberia, 123 classrooms across 36 schools have benefitted from renovation or construction.
Street Child is working side by side with rural communities to kick-start or transform education through classroom construction, investment in the training and development of teachers, and developing community advocacy and sustainability strategies.
Street Child’s award-winning ‘Family Business for Education’ model addresses individual social and financial barriers to education for the most vulnerable categories of children. In Liberia our projects provide critical support to street-connected children and their families to ensure a secure and sustainable return to school.
To date 3,177 households in Liberia have been supported to develop a sustainable source of income through a tailored package of training, business grants and saving/mentoring. This model of financial empowerment, alongside intensive social support and community level advocacy, has led to the enrolment and retention of more than 8,920 children in school, including those children who lost their caregiver to Ebola during the 2014 epidemic.
Offering children the chance to have an education isn’t just about providing the schools; it's also about tackling the underlying issues, such as strengthening their family environment and protecting them from a life on the streets.
We provide access to psychosocial support and therapy for children facing challenging circumstances. We focus on the all-round development of children, empowering them to thrive in school.
This includes working with children who have lost their primary caregiver due to flooding, earthquakes, Ebola, COVID-19, and conflict, to unite them with extended family who will love and care for them, and prioritize their schooling. By finding a relative who can care for them, or uniting them with another foster family, we make sure that these children don’t have to fend for themselves anymore.
Benedict was a volunteer teacher at Borlorla School for over seven years despite a three-hour journey to school every day.
Street Child gives teachers like Benedict extra training and supporting them onto government payroll. Street Child’s involvement in the school has been so successful that attendance has skyrocketed from 150 students to more than 400, despite the one- to two-hour average walk for most children. To help with this huge increase in students, Street Child is now working closely with the community to build extra classrooms and provide learning materials.
“I want to help other mothers, to be a role model. Working with these girls, I found my passion for social work.'
Street Child social worker and mother of two Esther Harris works with mothers and girls to help give them a chance to go to school. Esther has overcome the challenges life has thrown at her, including having to drop out of school for a short amount of time because of poverty, and is helping to open up opportunities for other mothers to not only better their own lives, but also their children’s.